Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012


Sometimes you do not understand until you see.
But others you do not see until you understand.

Montag, 30. Januar 2012


It is not the PINK tree outside my window, 
Nor the GREEN sky above my head.
It is the WHITE wall that makes up the coloures.
°Costa Rica 2010 Dez

Carpe Diem.

Vorstellung: Carpe Diem.
Ein hammer Blog, mit richtig schönen Bilder & kreative Ideen.
Ist auf alle fälle wert da mal reinzuschauen ;)

Take a look at this Blog, really nice pic & really kreative!


Sonntag, 22. Januar 2012

Ishak Solomon *

I just felt like taking some Pictures.
And normally Ishak is the one taking Pics of me.
But this time its his turn.
Guess they turned out ok :)

Model: Ishak Solomon

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012


A wise man once told me:
 "You have Curls because, you have a curly face".

Part of the List,...°

Your warm hugs
Your patience
Your soft skin
Your calm voice
Your clumsiness
Your loud heart beat
Your buttered pasta
Your Movie night 
Your weird words
Your dark pail skin

How you laugh at yourself
How you always think I'm beautiful
How you go crazy for disney 
How you you belive in me
How you answer me, even in your deepest sleep

All part of my list, that goes on for every and every....

Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012

Freitag, 13. Januar 2012


Sooo,... brian, whom is on the phone to me right now! Finally came to see me (yeeahhh).
Meet ca. 6 years ago at a milkshake bar. Lost eachother and as life went on, we found eachother again. . .
Bllaaa blaaa blaa. thats him <3....